Serving the most essential needs of people around the world beginning with food, water, and clothing.
The WACONE Story
I’ve been asked the question multiple times, “What was your inspiration and motivation behind starting this organization?” I can’t say I had one moment where I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Instead, there was a series of moments in life that led me to where I am now.
One of those moments came when I was 8 years old on a family trip. Our flight home went from beautiful, lush Kerala, India, (aka ‘God’s Own Country’) where my family is from, to Bombay for a layover. Bombay, now known as Mumbai, was much different than Kerala. I remember walking out of the airport and seeing poverty at a level that I had never seen before. Little boys and girls my age walked up to our cab and begged for food and money. The cab driver reached down and took out what looked like an old TV antenna and swatted at the kids hands telling them to stay away from the cab. I remember thinking that if I ever had a chance to come back and help these kids, I would.
Then at the age of 15, I was given six month to live as a result of being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma. Long story short: a tumor exploded in my stomach during what was supposed to be a routine, one-hour biopsy. After four gruesome rounds of chemotherapy, the doctors told my parents there was no more hope and that they should plan for my funeral. I said the most desperate prayer I ever prayed: “God, if you’re real, I will serve you for the rest of my life.” That prayer was answered, and I’m living today 100% cancer-free. I had my second moment.
I always wanted to serve people and knew I had a second chance at life for a reason. I just never imagined it would come in this capacity. Our goal is to see the hurting, not as a statistic, but as a human being in need of love. Focusing on the ‘one’ has always been at the center of our organization; that’s why the last three letters of WACONE spells ‘ONE’.
Stanley Sam